February is the month of love. Let us pray for that love which is modeled on Christ the true Love.
Love in our hearts, in our families, in our communities, in our Church and in the world.
The Carmelites in Zimbabwe are fruits of a way of life planted in 1946. To date the Carmelite friars in Zimbabwe celebrate over 75 years of existence in the country. During these year Carmelites have been witnesses to the way of Prayer, Community and Service in the midst of the people. Carmelites profess three evangelical counsels of obedience, chastity and poverty.
Love in our hearts, in our families, in our communities, in our Church and in the world.
We welcome your interest in the profound and exciting spiritual journey of contemplation and service found in our Carmelite community. We invite you to get in touch with us by phone or email.
Email: info@carmeliteszim.org
We invite you to join us on the path up Mount Carmel. Walking in the footsteps of Jesus with Elijah and Mary is a wonderful, deeply satisfying life. We welcome you to contact us at any time via the information below.
Cell: +263775088504
Email: ocarmvoczim@gmail.com